Green is the prime color of the world
1 of my 2 largest paintings to date! When I looked at those huge canvases, I knew I wanted to dedicate one to my own favorite color. Since I was little, I’ve loved green - maybe because of my birthstone, maybe because I grew up in the desert and there were so few lush, green plants. Green has always felt special to me.
In this piece, I wanted to represent the first tiny shoots of spring with a yellowish, sap-like hue and journey all the way into a richer blue-green viridian. The drips of the paint remind me of dew falling in early morning forests or raindrops trickling down aspen leaves.
In all my paintings, you’ll see final marks made with charcoals, pastels, and even scratches made directly in the wet paint. What’s your favorite detail element?
sylva: Latin: "wood" or "forest"